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El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas • 15
Un journal d’éditeur Extra®

El Paso Times du lieu suivant : El Paso, Texas • 15

El Paso Timesi
El Paso, Texas
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Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

TfRDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1931. 15 cm 11" efg CJ iJP Jrii ii you IARAGOZA, MEXICO Congratulations and Best Wishes on the opening of Waterfill Gardens Ask for Our Products fiey always satisfy Gardens has been designed especially for YOU offering the best in foods, flic and liquid pleasures. There'll be souvenirs FREE Saturday for every visiting lady gentlemen. McKitrick, who is well known by many El Pasoans and visitors to Juarez, is now cater-t manager at Waterfill Gardens. He is waiting for the opportunity to serve and please you.

IS 1 you know Bill rrankhn. Well, he in charge the music. That means the best in entertainment. Glassware, China and Kitchen Utensils from the 'atrrfill Gardens offers you everything superband jan atmosphere of refinement and rest. CHIHUAHUA BREWERY CO.

i CHIHUAHUA BREWERY A(JENCY 519 Ferrocarnl LVN NOW TO DRIVE DOWN FOR THE OPENING. A GOOD TIME El Paso China Co. 212 East San Antonio IS ASSURED YOU. i 'iiWA-'v-'4lt'A1 Tliis folo shows the airy and spacious kitchen equipped with the most samt.iry and modern kikhen equipment under the personal supervision of chef Juan Medina. The Southwest's Newest Ml B.

F. Vivar General Contractor and Builder of the Beautiful WATERFILL GARDENS and Many Other Projects F. Vivar Phone Juarez 127 5P Si; T. HA i i 1 Ylcta, Texaj Zaragus.i, Chihuahua, Mexico 1 A I' 1 your visit to Waterfill Gardens you can either drive back over the same lower valley road, or drive back on improved hard surface Chihuahua state road, direct to Juarez. I his way the trip is only nine miles.) MAKE )lans now to attend the formal opening of the Waterfill Gardens, the finest pleasure palace in the southwest.

Just drive to Ysleta and turn south at the intersection of Alexander's store and ihe old Ysleta Mission. Drive one rnile and you'll be surprised. I 1IIIUAHUA KICO Patronize Border Industries Juarez Brewing Ass'n Is A Local Industry When You Visit Waterfill Gardens Ask For Our Product Light and Dark Juarez Brewing Ass'n TA, TEXAS Turn South At Alexander's Store Watch for the big Arrow on top of building pointing to Waterfill Gardens ZARAGOZA INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE COMPANY LATIONS pa 6 5 Neon Co. mwjA lm Main 4111 U3i.

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1 966 844
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